
earlier today, someone was speaking at EuroDjangoCon about how boring
it is to triage tickets (apply against trunk, run tests, etc. etc.)
and that's why it's not progressing smoothly.

I'm thinking: Why not automate this?

Simple bot that will log in to it's trac account, look for "ready for
bot" triage, get ticket, apply tests from the patch against trunk, run
it, make sure it fails, apply whole patch against trunk, make sure
test passed, add a comment, move to "passed ponybot against revision

And we can get fancy, like check for test coverage in new code and
make sure it's covered. Or that some can post not a final patch, but a
link to git repository with a ticket branch, merge and do above (kinda
more future-resistant than patch).

Generalize it a bit, and it can perhaps be TracAwesomeBot everyone
could benefit from.

Cool for me, but have enough pet projects so now, but if anyone have
spare weekend to implement it? :) Or it could be GSoC '10 project.

Of course, only if it sounds cool for you, that is.

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