Hey everyone,

I've been working on a patch for Django that would allow you to optionally
cache templates after they've been lexed and parsed (compiled) by the
template engine. I've got things far enough along that I have a working
implementation, so I thought I'd share here and see if anyone had any
thoughts / comments. I've attached my diff to ticket #6262, so visit
http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6262 to check it out.

I'd like to add template caching as a feature to Django 1.2, and am willing
to do whatever is necessary to make this happen.

If you'd rather read prose, here's a bit of an explanation / justification
for the changes:


At the moment, Django is reading templates from disk, lexing them, parsing
them, and then rendering them with the current context _every time_ a
template is rendered. If your blog.html template loops through an array of
15 blog posts and {% includes %} post.html for each of them, post.html is
read from disk (or disk cache), lexed, parsed, and rendered 15 times. All
but the render step is avoidable with a bit of caching.

I've done some rather crude benchmarking and, by my measurements, a template
takes about 1ms to lex and parse. That doesn't seem like much, but it adds
up. I'm working on a project that renders ~400 templates for the index page
(you need to do lots of extends and includes if you're making a reusable app
that you want to let people skin) and with this patch enabled we're seeing
template rendering time decrease by about 350ms. Big win.


The only thing that's absolutely necessary to make cached templates possible
in Django is to add a branch in ``django.template.loader.get_template()``
that checks whether the returned template "source" is actually a compiled
template, in which case it is returned directly and the compilation step is
skipped. Once this is done, template caching can be implemented with a
custom template loader.

By simply checking that the template has a ``render`` method in
``get_template``, we get the added benefit of allowing users to write
loaders that return custom Template instances, or Template instances that
use an alternative template language like Jinja or Mako.

Template-Tag State:

In order to make cached templates usable in practice (and backwards
compatible) some changes need to be made in the template tags as well. In
particular, the block, extends, and cycle template tags store state on
instances. Since template tags are instantiated when the template is parsed,
this state sticks around between template renders. This also means templates
are not thread-safe (a separate, but related problem) -- if two threads
share the same instantiated template and both try to render it problems can

To make template tags safe for cached templates (and thread-safe) all state
should be stored in the template context. But if we just stick state in the
context dictionary we're polluting the template namespace with irrelevant
stuff that probably shouldn't be exposed there. Therefore, I propose adding
an attribute to Context instances, ``parser_context`` that can be used to
store parser state.

Unlike the Context object, I believe parser context should be statically
scoped per Template render. That is, if the dictionary at the top of the
"stack" doesn't contain the requested key, a KeyError should be raised
immediately rather than walking the stack looking for the key in
dictionaries further up the stack. I think this makes sense since parser
state is generally associated with a single Template, and Templates are
rendered recursively (because of extends and include tags). My
implementation pushes() the parser_context stack at the beginning of each
template render, and pops it after rendering is complete.

Unfortunately, since there are numerous template tags that exist "in the
wild," some work will probably have to be done to port existing Django
projects over to use cached templates. But since template caching will be
implemented using a custom loader, and off by default, users can choose to
enable it or not, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Refactoring Loaders:

At the moment, template loaders are implemented as module-level functions.
This makes them difficult to extend. I suggest refactoring the built-in
template loaders to be classes. By implementing __call__ in the
``BaseLoader`` and instantiating a module-level instance of each loader we
can maintain backwards compatibility.

Cached Template Loader Options:

Once all this groundwork is done, we need to decide how to implement a
caching template loader. There are several options:

1. Don't include one at all. Let users write their own and implement it
however they want.

2. Implement a generic caching loader that can be instantiated with a list
of loaders that it should try to use to load templates, caching the results.
This requires a bit of a change to
``django.template.loader.find_template_source()`` since the current
implementation assumes you're passing in a string containing the module

3. Implement a caching version of each existing template loader.

I've implemented option 2, and I think it's probably the best alternative.

Looking forward to hearing your comments, suggestions, ridicule, etc,
- Mike

P.S. Thanks to Alex Gaynor and Marty Alchin who have helped review some of
the stuff I've done so far. Respect and whatnot.

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