On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <
freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Joshua Russo<josh.r.ru...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I figured someone had done this at some time.
> > What's the general consensus on when some thing like this should
> > be considered to be added to the project and when it should just stay as
> an
> > outside utility?
> It's certainly worth putting up as a ticket. I can agree with the
> original use case - that is, using the client.get() to construct the
> prototype data dictionary that will be passed to client.post(). You
> only have to look at the work that is done in the admin tests to see
> the value in this proposal.
> However, I have some reservations about the patch.
> Most notably, I'm not sure I see how your patch answers the original
> use case. The form data structure that is returned by the parser
> appears to contain a top-level dictionary containing the form
> instances. The form structure itself is irrelevant to reposting.
> However, thats not to say that keeping the form data is irrelevant.
> For example, consider the case where a page has multiple forms, or
> multiple submit buttons on a single form. If we're going to introduce
> a utility like this, then it should be able to behave at least
> partially like a browser - that is, I should be able to get the post
> data that is needed to respond to a specific button press:
> response = self.client.get('/path/to/page')
> # Get a copy of a data dictionary that contains the form data
> # that would be submitted if I pressed the submit button labeled 'button 3'
> data = response.form_data('button 3')
> data['some-field'] = 'new value'
> response = self.client.post('/path/to/page', data)
> We also need to be careful of feature creep - this sort of testing is
> exactly what Twill does, and we don't want to duplicate the efforts of
> that project (or any other automated Python client test framework for
> that matter).

That seems reasonable. I'll work on it and let you know when I have an
official patch ready.

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