Thanks for your feedback.
I appreciate it.

I find an orm usefull for 3 scenarios:
1. - simple object retrieval posts.objects.all()
2. - performance optimized object retrieval, your raw approach would
suffice here
3. - generating complex queries, and reusing sql components
When you get to complex data models, Django currently fails on 2 and

Agreed though, I guess only a handful of apps encounter these

On Oct 4, 6:27 am, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM, James Bennett <> wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Thierry <> 
> > wrote:
> >> I know this is not a problem for most users. But when working with
> >> complex projects or projects requiring some performance optimization
> >> django orm doesn't suffice. Its a pity to see strong development on
> >> django orm, while at the same time the sqlalchemy project has huge
> >> traction. I currently run both orm's. The gap between sqlalchemy and
> >> django orm is very large. Are there any plans to integrate sql
> >> alchemy?
> > In a word, no.
> To put in one more voice of authority - speaking as a core developer,
> I'm strongly opposed to modifying Django to use SQLAlchemy (or any
> other external project for that matter) as the ORM.
> On top of the many valid reasons that James mentioned, there is one
> more that I consider to be very important - one that stems from the
> task that _any_ ORM is trying to perform.
> The goal of any SQL-backed ORM is to provide a syntax that makes it
> easy to express SQL queries. The problem is, we already have a very
> powerful, 100% feature complete syntax for expressing SQL queries -
> it's called SQL. By very definition, _every_ SQL-backed ORM is
> reinventing the wheel.
> ORMs have an important role to play in making the simple cases very
> simple - and this is a sweet spot that Django's ORM, SQLAlchemy, and
> any number of other ORM projects manage quite well. It is much easier
> to write "Author.objects.all()" than to write "SELECT id, firstname,
> lastname, birthdate, address1, address2, .... FROM author".
> However, this argument isn't about the simple cases - it is about the
> complex cases. I will certainly grant that SQLAlchemy is certainly
> able to cover more of the world of possible SQL queries than Django's
> ORM. However, there are queries that even SQLAlchemy can't express (or
> can't express elegantly). At this point, you can either continue
> making modifications to your non-SQL language in an attempt to provide
> 100% coverage of the SQL spec, or you can step back and say "No - we
> already have a language that does this", and embrace it.
> Django has decided to take the latter approach. The recent proposals
> for a raw() operator to make it easier to return Django model objects
> as the result of a raw SQL query is an expression of this underlying
> philosophical direction.
> So, no - for this reason, and many many others, we're not going to
> adopt SQLAlchemy as Django's ORM.
> That said, we are committed to making it easier to use non-Django
> components inside a Django project. If there is anything that we can
> do to make it easier to use SQLAlchemy (or any other non-Django ORM)
> inside a Django project, we're open to those suggestions.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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