On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 1:06 AM, mrts <mrts.py...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Great news! Have you discussed the workflow yet?
> I.e. will a DVCS be involved, and if yes, will there be
> a central repo for coordinating the effort?
> A special repo on Github would otherwise be perfect,
> but as mentioned before, we have a problem with re-forking:
> http://support.github.com/discussions/feature-requests/560-two-forks-of-a-single-repo

Why do we need a central repository to coordinate a sprint effort? The
whole *point* using a DVCS is that you *don't* need a central
repository to coordinate activity.

Also - I know you're very enthused about Git and GitHub, but Django
uses SVN as the canonical store for trunk and branches, and this isn't
likely to change in the near future.

That said, many of the core developers use DVCS tools to manage their
day-to-day Django contributions. If you comment on a ticket that your
patch is also available as a pull from <insert repo here>, some core
developers will be able to exploit this.

As I have said to you in the past - if you want to make your
contribution to Django to be a DVCS  repository that acts as a staging
area for trunk-ready patches, that would be a very helpful
contribution. This is doubly true during a sprint - sprints generate a
lot of activity, so having good lieutenants to triage contributions is
extremely useful.

The important part is *not* the documentation of this process. The
important part is *doing the work*.

> Whatever workflow and tools have been or will be
> picked, may I suggest that clear instructions be written
> for participants -- e.g. something in the lines of [1]?

Django's workflow *is* documented:


The wiki page on Sprints clarify this process for sprints:


How to contribute

It's easy: Pick something to work on and do it.

Key phrase: Do it. Not write an essay about how you would do it, and
then enter into a debate about whether the workflow that you have
proposed is optimal. Do the work, then tell a core dev that you have
done the work. Fix the patch if required. Rinse. Repeat.

Russ Magee %-)

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