On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Richard Laager <rlaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It was suggested in #django that I ask here about some patches I've
> submitted:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&reporter=~rlaager&has_patch=1&order=priority
> What should I be doing to help get these tickets closed, one way or
> another?

Hi Richard,

We are currently in the feature development phase of Django 1.2. This
means that new features are getting priority at the moment. Unless a
bug represents a serious security problem, or data loss, or a bug in a
new feature that has already been committed, bug fixes aren't really
being looked at currently. The feature development phase is scheduled
to finish at the end of December, after which we will move into bug
fixing mode.

Once we move into bug-fixing mode, we will be using the tickets marked
1.2 [1] as a working list. If you have worked on a patch, marking that
ticket for milestone 1.2 is the best way to make sure it isn't

However, just marking a ticket 1.2 isn't a guarantee that it will be
committed. The patch needs to be trunk ready. Looking briefly at the
patches you have provided, they are all relatively minor fixes - but
none of them include tests. Writing tests isn't an optional activity -
it's how you prove to us (the core team) that you have actually
thought about the problem enough to work out that your solution
actually works.

In some cases, tests aren't possible or practical - the admin is one
place where this is often the case. In these cases, the ticket doesn't
get a complete pass. It should have a comment noting that a test isn't
practical, with a brief explanation why; in addition, it should have
clear and obvious instructions on how to reproduce the problem
manually (and what consititutes failure/success). The longer I (or
another core developer) need to spend working out what bug is actually
being fixed, the greater the likelihood that the ticket will get


Russ Magee %-)


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