On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com>wrote:

> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11843
> This is a simple fix to a rather bothersome problem; if you need to do
> anything with those hidden inputs in JavaScript there's no way to uniquely
> identify them without extending the widget and creating your own render()
> (not to mention the fact that it's invalid HTML to begin with).  Any chance
> we could get it committed soonish?
It sounds kind of like one I reviewed at the sprint so I might look at it
soonish.  I don't know how well my soonish matches yours, though.  I've got
virtually no time for Django work in the next week, so for me soonish would
be next week at the earliest (and I've also got a bunch of other stuff
people worked on at the sprint still in my queue to be looked at).

Someone else could look at it, but the holidays combined with the major
feature freeze deadline looming tend to make me think there isn't a lot of
free time available right now for bug fixes.  Some people are traveling and
some are very focused on getting stuff done to meet the feature deadline.



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