Hey folks,

Won't waste time echoing the sentiments above in many words. Contest
stupid. Ground-up rework in 2.0 (maybe). Refactor & clean up existing
stuff in the meantime. Design czar(s) needed to chaperone this work
into existence.

I don't think that I'm qualified to submit myself for a "djesign czar"
position, but "design in Django" is something I'd really like to
champion in some capacity. I certainly contribute more design than
code to django's community -- and I'm truly grateful that I have a
means of contributing/giving back to the community that isn't just

Whoever/whatever solution is settled on, I think a key goal of the
czar will be to impose django's sensibilities on the design process --
"trusted, conservative tastemakers." I'd hate to see a nascent "design
group" experiment in django flame out early. Design is hard, just like
code, and it deserves the same rigorous consideration as any patch.


On Feb 6, 10:20 pm, Bryan Veloso <br...@revyver.com> wrote:
> Let me get straight to the point, since I seem to suffer from chronic
> "tl;dr" syndrome as of late.
> 1) I'm all for a re-thinking of the admin, and I agree that a
> rethinking would be better placed with a 2.0-release because of the
> aforementioned backwards-compatabilitiy issues. Baby steps are better
> than no steps.
> 2) On that note, I am completely for tweaking and "cleaning" the
> current admin to make it easier to skin and just tweak in general.
> Compartmentalizing CSS for widgets, or even just restructuring it to
> 2010 standards without any changes to the front-end look would be
> leaps and bounds ahead of where we are now.
> 3) I like Eric's proposal. Hell, I'm willing to step up and be that
> guy. It makes me wonder if there was somebody that had a design hat
> much in the vein that Maclom/RKM/Alex have their ORM hats if people
> would be more willing and enthusiastic about submitting proposals and
> bugs.
> I think three is enough for now. We've gotten this far through the
> thread with a lot of heads nodding, so let's start thinking about how
> to take action.
> Cheers,
> Bryan
> On Feb 6, 11:52 am, Eric Holscher <eric.holsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I went ahead and replied to this on my blog[0]. I'll copy it here for
> > completeness.
> > [0]:http://ericholscher.com/blog/2010/feb/6/role-designers-django-community/
> > There has been a recent discussion on the Django Development mailing list
> > about the role of designers in the Django community. I think that this is an
> > interesting discussion that can come from this, and I would like to explain
> > my thoughts on the issue.
> > This discussion came up in the context of redesigning the Django Admin,
> > which everyone knows and loves. The UI is growing a bit out-dated, and there
> > was talk of working to clean it up. This then turned into a discussion about
> > how design proposals and improvements aren't taken as seriously as they
> > should be by the community. I think there are a number of reasons that this
> > happens, and I would like to take a look at them. My purpose here is to
> > start a discussion about how to better integrate designers into the
> > community, because they are a vital part of making our world more beautiful
> > and efficient.
> > I don't trust myself to judge your work
> > =======================================
> > The normal process for changes that go into Django is that a proposal is
> > sent to the mailing list. There is a discussion that happens around them,
> > and then if the code is produced, and it works, it gets committed. For
> > design changes, I don't reply to these messages, because I don't have the
> > skills or knowledge to judge the work. I think that a lot of people on these
> > lists are in the same boat.
> > When someone sends a proposal to the list, and it doesn't get any replies,
> > that feels like rejection. This happens more than it should, but it isn't
> > anyones job to respond to these messages and say "sorry, I'm not qualified
> > to critique your work". This happens with code proposals too, but I think it
> > may happen more with design. This leads to designers forsaking the mailing
> > list, and this problem perpetuates itself, by not drawing designers into the
> > community.
> > Design is not special, except when it is
> > ========================================
> > Part of the problem that seems to have come forward is that there is a
> > feeling that design is "special". That it should be treated somehow
> > differently in the process. As we know from history, even with all good
> > intentions, different is never equal. So I think that we should work to fit
> > design into the current scheme of how things work, instead of trying to
> > adopt new ways of dealing with it.
> > When I look at the current Core Developers of Django, I don't see many
> > people who are designers. As I said above, that fact that very few of the
> > current core developers are well versed in the design realm, really hurts
> > inclusion of design changes. This creates a lot more friction in the process
> > of getting design changes into the code base.
> > I don't know if this idea is crazy, but should we have the concept of a
> > "core designer". These would be people that the community trusts and knows
> > have good taste, that would be an obvious person to make these design
> > choices. I think that there is a problem when I have a design change for
> > Django, and I really don't know who to talk to. There is an obvious
> > authority (BDFL) for code changes, but I don't know if Adrian and Jacob are
> > really the correct people to making these judgment calls on design?
> > I realize that this is open source, and "core designers" would be the same
> > as developers, just people who care about the direction of the projects
> > design. However, I think that having more design oriented people in the
> > community in a more direct fashion would make it more obvious that design
> > changes are welcomed and seriously considered.
> > I don't know how far we need to go down the path of making this explicit.
> > However, most of the documentation about contributing is explicit about
> > "code". This is another of those lines, where I don't know if it makes sense
> > to be explicit about design, having a "design" section in the contributing
> > documentation, or if the implicit knowledge of core designers will make it
> > obvious
> > that we mean design changes there too.
> > The actual process
> > ==================
> > I don't want to talk about the actual design process, because well, I really
> > don't know how it works. I think that once we integrate designers into the
> > community better, the process for design will naturally fall out better.
> > Conclusion
> > ==========
> > I would like to point out that Django has some of the best designers of any
> > open source community out there. I am lucky to work with a number of them on
> > a daily basis, and I really think that they make our community special. So
> > thank you guys for sticking with us.
> > This is a place where I could see Django leading the way in how to integrate
> > design into the open source development process. Let's make a grand
> > experiment, and see how it works out.

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