On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Renato Garcia Pedigoni
> <renatopedig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> My name is Renato, I'm currently studying Biomedical Informatics at the
>> University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
>> Last year I tried a GSoC slot with a declarative syntax serializer project
>> for Django. Reading the 2010's ideas for GSoC I found it again, so I decided
>> to try again, improving my proposal.
>> If someone has moment and wants read (and if possible) discuss it here's my
>> proposal:
>> https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AcnuqDbQa1rGZGMzdng3cW1fMTE2aHJtMzZkZnA&hl=pt_BR
>> Thanks a lot
>> --
>> Atenciosamente,
>> Renato Garcia Pedigoni
>> --
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> A few thoughts on this proposal.  First, I like the basics of the
> class based syntax you've proposed here, but there are a few changes
> I'd like to see.  First, I don't think the serializer itself should be
> a view, for basic separation of concerns reasons, a generic view that
> works with a serializer, however, seems very reasonable to me.
> Second, I'd like to see an even higher level of customizability, the
> current fields, extras, and relations dicts work reasonable well for
> serialization for internal usage, however if you're intending to
> generate JSON, XML, YAML or whatever else for external consumptions
> (e.g. an API) I imagine most people want a greater degree of
> flexibility in how their data is arranged (and the ability to drop
> things like the "model" field, to collapse the fields dict into the
> main obj dict, etc.).  Lastly, I think a more detailed timeline would
> be helpful, it's important to get estimates of how long each smaller
> change will take (and it helps you flesh out what pieces of work go
> into the final product).

Also, maybe it would be good to look at django-piston's serialization system.

Rajeev J Sebastian

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