Uhm, your fix fixes the problem at the wrong end. This can and should
be supported by the database's native capabilities. This would be the
ticket for it: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7539

But I like your imagination, or is there more truth behind your story
than you'd admit?

Florian Apolloner

On Apr 5, 8:06 pm, Kevin howerton <kevin.hower...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> So I came across a use-case for wanting to delete content (which
> django doesn't really handle exactly to my liking).  I just got back
> from a vacation in vegas and noticed in a drunken stupor I had posted
> some pictures on my blog that should I really shouldn't have 
> (http://i.imgur.com/5oj15.jpgSFW).
> Anyhow, currently django's only delete behavior (to my knowledge) is
> to delete all objects related from a reverse relation.  I think it
> would be preferable to actually delete only objects that have NOT NULL
> **and** no default set.
> Right now clear() sort of fills some of the void for what you need to
> do prior to deleting an object, but it fails to handle DEFAULT
> conditions.
> I realize changing the default behavior of the delete() method is
> probably out of the question... and there are a bunch of tickets open
> asking for cascades and what-not, that will hopefully one day fill the
> void.  clear(), however, *should* handle DEFAULTS in the same way it
> handles null=True.
> Also, I wrote a mix-in class that fixes the delete method to work as I
> believe it should... for those of you with similar use-cases.  Anyone
> have any feedback on it?
> ps.  I didn't really murder a hooker in vegas (I don't even have a
> blog), just felt that I should provide a relevant use-case ;)
> from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
> from django.contrib import admin
> class ClearOnDelete(models.Model):
>     def delete(self):
>         related_objects = self._meta.get_all_related_objects()
>         for object in related_objects:
>             accessor_name = object.get_accessor_name()
>             related_accessor = getattr(self.__class__, accessor_name)
>             related_accessor_instance = getattr(self, accessor_name)
>             if related_accessor.related.field.default is not
>                 for relation in related_accessor_instance.all():
>                     setattr(relation,
> related_accessor.related.field.name,
> related_accessor.related.field.default)
>                     relation.save()
>             elif related_accessor.related.field.null:
>                 for relation in related_accessor_instance.all():
>                     setattr(relation,
> related_accessor.related.field.name, None)
>                     relation.save()
>         super(ClearOnDelete, self).delete()
>     class Meta:
>         abstract = True

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