I like the idea of boxing up the autodiscover code into a publicly
accessible utility class... it's a problem many people solve for
themselves (myself included) but even moreso it would go well with the
new startup.py proposal that's in the works.

Once it's easy to have things run once at startup, the desire to run
some sort of autodiscovery mechanism from those startup files is
likely to take off. And it's not that it's a hard problem for someone
to solve themselves, but it might be one worth solving once and being
done with it.

The downside, of course, is the cost of maintaining it and ensuring
backwards compatibility going forward.

All the best,

    - Gabriel

On Jun 1, 12:02 pm, Gregor Müllegger <gre...@muellegger.de> wrote:
> I also needed this functionality in one of my apps and just went the
> way of copy and pasting the existing solution that is already
> implemented in django.contrib.admin. But making this code reuseable
> would IMO be a benefit for some app developers.
> But I think the approach of using an setting for this purpose is not
> the ideal way. Admin does a great job in that way, because it only
> uses the autodiscover functionality on demand. My need for an
> autodiscover functionality was directly tight to a management command.
> I don't want to load these modules unless I invoke the management
> command, which is possible with the admin like autodiscover() function
> instead of using a setting.
> My proposal would go into the direction of pulling the autodiscover
> function out of the django.contrib.admin module and putting it
> somewhere in the core. Since the admin needs some special
> functionality on errors while loading an admin.py module from an app,
> I would suggest a Autodiscover class that provides some hooks to be
> better customizable.
> Something like:
>     class Autodiscover(object):
>         def __init__(self, module_name):
>             self.module_name = module_name
>         def __call__(self):
>             # existing autodiscover code from django.contrib.admin
>         def pre_load(self, app_label):
>             # gets called directly before trying to load an app's module
>         def post_load(self, app_label):
>             # gets called after trying to load an app's module even if the
>             # import failed
>         def on_success(self, app_label, module):
>             # gets called if the module was imported successfully
>         def on_error(self, app_label):
>             # gets called if the module didn't exist or import failed
> In django.contrib.admin or in any other app we can use:
>     from django.core.autodiscover import Autodiscover
>     autodiscover = Autodiscover('admin')
> This also provides backwards compatibility since the following snippet still
> works:
>     from django.contrib import admin
>     admin.autodiscover()
> Yours,
> Gregor Müllegger

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