On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Tom,
> I'm not going to reply again, Russell has quite clearly ruled this out
> but to reply to these points:
> As the project manager, you can already use automatic configuration -
> its python, you can do whatever the heck you like. Your scope is not
> limited in any way, and if you want to auto-discover default settings
> from your installed apps, do so. You could even formalize this into a
> django app, publish it on googlecode and see how widely it is used by
> people without requiring any changes to django itself. If such a
> feature where to become standardized, and popular, then it could
> potentially then be included into django.contrib, but it's completely
> orthogonal to django itself - this is the benefit of using python for
> configuration.
I did: http://github.com/buriy/django-configurator
> In our deployments, a project has a default configuration, which is
> then overridden by a site specific settings_local.py, which is checked
> out on a site by site basis alongside settings.py.
> This is then imported into our settings with code like so:
> try:
>  from settings_local import *
> except:
>  # It's ok to not have any local settings.
>  pass
> # so we can append any extra ones supplied in settings_local.py
These are exactly my hate patterns.
The goal of django-configurator was to get rid of them in the projects I have.

Btw, you are not yet using the "state of the art" python-based solution:
storing different local_settings in the version control system,
so do a dynamic import based on computer DNS name.

> It is hardly a stretch to see how this kind of code could be extended
> to try to import settings_auto or settings_default from each app in
> installed apps.
Sorry, I'm not native speaker. Can't understand what's "hardly a
stretch" neither from context nor from dictionary.

>>> For example - you say that your application needs to run in a separate
>>> database. My DB Admin (or hosting provider) won't let me have another
>>> database instance. How does your automated "add this extra database"
>>> approach handle the case where I don't want you to add another
>>> database?
>> Well, in some alternative reality, an app creator might really want to
>> define a router and a special database because it's cool, not because
>> it really needs to use its legacy database with its legacy table
>> names.
>> If you're afraid of using configurations incorrectly, you might either:
>>  - turn off auto configuration as a whole
>>  - redefine the DISCOVERY_ORDER as you want.
>> options.lazy.INSTALLED_APPS is a function.
>>  - override the application option in conf/apps/app.py or
>> conf/global_overrides.py .
> It's not fear, its confidence. As the project manager, you should be
> in control of what configurations are set, not application developers.
> How do you propose that an application insert middleware? How do you
> solve the ordering issues for settings like that? These problems
> aren't insurmountable, but it is just easier to be in control of these
> settings yourself. How hard is it to read a README and configure the
> right settings for your project.
I am of control. That's why god gave us ability to override.
It seems you are not aware what I suggest.

Best regards, Yuri V. Baburov, ICQ# 99934676, Skype: yuri.baburov,
MSN: bu...@live.com

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