On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Simon Meers <drme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 May 2010 07:50, Simon Meers <drme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've uploaded some screenshots [1] of the new patch for #13163 [2] and
>> #13165 [3] in action, to allow people to see the affect without
>> necessarily applying the changes.
>> These enhancements have *vastly* improved the navigability of the
>> admin interface between related objects.
>> Please have a look and let me know if you have concerns or suggestions
>> for improvement. The design decisions are documented in the tickets.
>> [1] http://share.simonmeers.com/django_related_changelinks/
>> [2] http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13163
>> [3] http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13165
> I'm guessing DjangoCon.eu week wasn't the ideal time to send this.
> Loads of people did check the screenshots out though. Anyone have
> concerns or suggestions?

The demo screenshots you provide certainly look good to me; I haven't
done a full teardown on the patch, but a from a quick glance it
certainly looks promising.

A couple of quick questions:

 * Why allow edit links on a readonly field? This seems a little
redundant to me?

 * On the edit link for ForeignKey (localhost:8000 in your example),
I'd be inclined to stick to just "edit", not "edit <object>" -- that
seems more consistent with the other edit links you have provided.

 * I take it that the widget edit links carry through to inlines?
i.e., if i have a foreign key pulldown in an inline, I will get the
edit link?

 * How does performance degrade when JavaScript is not available? Do
the links exist at all, or do they become dangling links to the wrong

 * In the case of raw-id fields and inlines, is there any reason why
the edit link is separate text, rather than the object name itself
being the link? (ie., rather than "John smith <edit separately>", why
not just "<John Smith>"?

 * Permissions - from my initial inspection, it isn't obvious to me
that you are honoring (and/or testing that you are honoring)
permissions. If I don't have permission to edit an object, I shouldn't
get an edit link. Given the addition in 1.2 of object-level
permissions, this means permissions need to be per-object. Have I
missed something in my hasty patch read?

Russ Magee %-)

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