On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Thomas Guettler <h...@tbz-pariv.de> wrote:
> The documentation says django emulates "ON DELETE CASCADE":
>   http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#deleting-objects
> But it is missing how to emulate ON DELETE SET NULL.
> In this thread Kevin Howerton posted an abstract base class to emulate ON
> DELETE SET NULL. But this does not work if you bulk delete with a query set.
> I opened a new ticket:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13731

Kevin's abstract base class is certainly a novel way of solving the
problem (mod the issues with bulk delete). However, the real fix is to
add first-class support for alternate deletion strategies. This is the
subject of #7539.

If someone wants to take on #7539 as a task for 1.3, they certainly
have my blessing, and I'd certainly do anything I can to help. It's
been on the low priority list for the last couple of releases, and on
my personal to-do for much longer. The last time I looked at the
patch, it was starting to look reasonably good. However, it's not
finished yet -- it really needs someone who is suitably motivated to
carry it the final mile.

In the interim, I'm not in favor of adding a 'workaround' solution as
part of Django's official documentation. This sort of workaround is
something that should live on Django Snippets.

Russ Magee %-)

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