On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 00:59 -0700, Simon Litchfield wrote:
> > If you can come up with answers to these points, I might get
> > interested. 1 and 2 are fairly trivial; I can think of some obvious
> > answers for 3, but 4 is the big problem, and will require some
> serious
> > research and consideration.
> Well, I'm glad you like the with_hints() approach. Items 1-3 are easy.
> Re 4 though, every db does it differently. In practice, most don't
> need hints like MySQL does <sigh>, because their query optimisers do a
> much better job.

The big problem I see is that hints are simply the wrong approach to
handling this issue, which I do see as an important one.

The SQL optimizer can't work out how you're going to handle the queryset
if all you mention is the filter(). SQL being a set-based language the
optimizer won't know whether you wish to retrieve 0, 1 or 1 million
rows. In many cases it actively avoids using the index for what it
thinks will be larger retrievals.

The number of rows required from the queryset is an important part of
defining the access path. Hints are only required because we didn't
specify the queryset in sufficient detail for the optimizer to
understand what we wanted.

I would say the correct approach here is to use slicing, since this will
add a LIMIT clause and provide full usage information to the SQL
optimizer about the queryset.

Can I suggest an auto-slice parameter so that we can add LIMIT N onto
the bottom of every query by default, if a slice is not already defined.
That would work for all DBMS.

 Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.com
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

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