On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Nowell Strite <now...@strite.org> wrote:
> When Django 1.1 was released URLs gained the ability to be nested with
> namespaces by adding "app_name" and "namespace" attributes to the
> include(...) functions within urls.py. The reverse(...) function was
> updated to allow you to specify namespace and current_app when
> resolving URLs, however, we never brought the resolve(...) function up
> to speed to include the relevant namespace and app_name data of the
> resolved URL. I have taken an initial stab with code and tests (minus
> documentation, until this feature is completed and agreed upon by the
> community).
> In order to achieve this I have graduated the result of the
> resolve(...) method to be a ResolverMatch class as opposed to the old
> tuple(func, args, kwargs). I have also implemented this feature to
> provides backwards compatibility for the old "func, args, kwargs =
> resolve(...)" so this feature should hopefully be completely backwards
> compatible. The new ResolverMatch class provides access to all
> attributes of the resolved URL match such as (url_name, app_name,
> namespace, func, args, kwargs).
> Please take a look and let me know what you think of the direction and
> implementation:
> http://github.com/nowells/django/compare/master...resolver-match

I'll need to do a detailed teardown before I commit, but on a first
inspection, this looks pretty good to me.

If there isn't a ticket for this already, could you please open one
and include a reference to your github branch (and/or upload the
patch). Once there are some docs, I'm happy for this to be RFC for

Russ Magee %-)

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