On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:31 AM, André Eriksson <ean...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good proposal overall. One thought I have in order to try and combat
> the massive parameter list of {% form %} is to optionally add an
> ending tag, as well as sub-tags:
> {% form myform %}
>    {% using birthday=calendar %}
>    {% renderer "as_ul" %}
>    {% autocomplete "name_autocomplete" %}
>    {% doctype xhtml1 %}
> {% endform %}

As I commented to Tim; the {% form X field ... %} tag isn't trying to
render the entire form -- it's just rendering a single field. This
removes the need for "using" and "autocomplete" as a subtag. The only
way a full field is rendered is in the simple case of {% form X %},
which is the equivalent of the current {{ form }} -- i.e., just render
the entire form using defaults (where "default" == doctype, layout and

Secondly, the "renderer" subtag misses the significance of the trick
with the template tag loading. The aim of the loading trick is that {%
form %} *is* an as_ul renderer; it doesn't need to be specified

Lastly, the doctype subtag isn't something that should be specified on
a per-form basis. It's a per-document attribute. My proposal gets
around this by tying the doctype to the form tag itself, which is a
constant through the rendered page.

> I see this as having several advantages:
> 1) It introduces a clearer way of laying out settings.

For some definitions of clever. It also has some potential problems:
 * How do you put a <hr/> between the name and birthday fields?
 * How do you render fields in a different order to the form specified
on the form?
 * How do we handle content that is included inside the {% form %} block?

> 2) It leverages the template engine for specifying defaults in a
> simple but ingenious way:
> {% form myform %}
>    {% include "form_settings.django" %}
> {% endform %}
> -- form_settings.django:
>    {% doctype xhtml1 %}
>    {% replace_widget datetime=calendar %}

Again, most of these default don't actually need to be specified if
you treat the {% form %} tag as encompassing the doctype and renderer
requirement. Arguing that template inclusions are a convenient way to
get around the fact that defining a form requires lots of subtags
doesn't seem like a net win to me.

Call me -0 on this; Given that there's only one tag that actually
needs to be a subtag (using), I don't see what making {% form %} a
full block tag gains us.

Russ Magee %-)

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