Firstly, while I myself am new to the list, I believe these questions
are better suited for the django-users mailing list, as django-
developers is for development of Django, not with Django.  That being

> 1- py is Python class extension?

Python source files have the py extension.  Python class files have a
pyc extension.

> 2-does django have any similar .jsp GUI? or is only use HTML for GUI?

I am not familiar with .jsp per se, but Django is a web framework, and
as such usually outputs html.  However, Django does not handle site
design, i.e. css, javascript, flash, whatever.  It works with it.
Thus, you can really utilize Django with any number of other

> 3-is netbeans IDE the best IDE?

This is a purely personal decision.  I use Eclipse with PyDev for most
of my Django (and Python) development.  However, you can use whatever
you want.  From my experience, people write Python code with a whole
number of editors and/or full blown IDEs, since a lot of debugging
work takes place with the Python interactive shell, and not with an
IDE's debugger.


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