On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 3:27 PM, mrkiwi <mrk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to take a template ( written in latex ) and fill it with data,
> then send it through pdflatex to get the pdf output, and return it to
> the user. Django makes this easy, but not quite as smooth as an html
> template.
> I use render_to_string and output this to a file, then run pdflatex on
> that file - i know this is not ideal (should really be done in memory)
> so any advice on how to do this would be appreciated.
> However the point of this email is that characters in the data such as
> &, #, \, $ and some others are special latex characters and have to be
> escaped, so i wrote a templatetag called escapelatex (i saw someone
> has written escapejs, so i followed the naming convention) - my
> question is where should i post this tag so others can critique it,
> improve it, and possibly add it to contribs for all to use?

I'd suggest your best approach would be to publish it as a standalone
reusable library on something like Github or Bitbucket. This allows
you to publish the source, and allows others to easily use the source
and  contribute fixes.

While I have great affection for LaTeX as a language (I wrote both my
theses using LaTeX), I don't think it's appropriate for the core of
Django. Ultimately, Django is a web framework, and HTML/JS are the
focus of web work.

Given that it's easy to distribute a template tag library as a
third-party feature, your library doesn't need to be in the core,
either. By maintaining a set of LaTeX tools as a third-party library,
you are able to:

 * keep the development pace independent of Django's release cycle
(particularly important during initial development)
 * help distribute the development load outside of the Django core
team (since you aren't dependent on Django's core team to commit
 * help keep the size of Django's core library under control
(end-users are able to choose the extensions and languages they want
to support)

Best of luck with your LaTeX library.

Russ Magee %-)

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