On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Jim D. <jim.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently asked a question on Django Users related to executing
> certain code during the global setup and teardown routines that run in
> Django's test runner. In my particular use case, I was looking for a
> hook where I could disable some third party API code when tests
> execute, in much the same way that Django itself swaps out the email
> backend during testing to ensure no emails are actually sent.
> Anyhow, it seems the only solution at the time being is set up a
> custom test runner, which is what I ended up doing. However, it
> occurred to me that a more elegant approach would be to use signals
> that run during setup and teardown, which applications could hook into
> if they needed to do any global setup or teardown actions. To me, this
> seems like an excellent solution to the problem (it's actually what I
> implemented in my custom test runner I ended up using).
> I wonder if this is something that would be considered for addition to
> the core? I at least wanted to throw it out there for discussions.

I don't remember this being raised in the past, but it seems like a
reasonable proposal to me -- in particular, because of this:

> * Requiring a custom test runner to implement this behavior makes it
> (nearly) impossible for reusable applications to modify global setup
> and teardown behavior, since it would become the responsibility of the
> project itself to specify the custom test runner.

This is the argument that resonates with me.

The patch you provide is a good proof-of-concept, but it needs a
little bit more work before it is trunk-ready. In particular:

 1) For consistency, the existing setup/teardown code should use this
signal. This then doubles as a test for the new signals, since the
email tests won't pass unless the test setup signal is working.

 2) The signal (and the resulting changes to setup/teardown
procedures) need to be documented. Don't get too hung up on getting
the language perfect -- a good first draft in the right location will
suffice. There are two sets of documentation changes -- adding the
test signals to the signal index, and documentation in the test docs
about how/when to use the signal in practice.

Russ Magee %-)

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