On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Mathieu Leduc-Hamel <marra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm curious to know if it's planned in the future to force the use of
> the complete name of the applications and the templatestags. I'll
> explain myself.
> Imagine you have an application called
> hello.world
> with the following structure:
> hello.world/
>  setup.py
>  hello/
>    world/
>     ...
> If you have an application called common and a templatags named
> featured_product, there's no way to it seems to force django to refer
> only to the complete name like that:
> hello.world.common
> and
> hello.world.common.featured_products
> it caused sometime some problems related to conflicting names and more
> than that, it means we are not completely explicit but magic.
> What do you think ?

There are two tickets related to this problem:

#2539: Namespacing for template tags
#12772: Loading by fully qualified path name

Template tag namespacing has been accepted as an idea; it's just
waiting on a trunk-ready patch.

Loading by fully qualified path is currently marked DDN; On principle,
the idea seems sound to me, but it requires more thought in terms of
how the new loading scheme will interact with existing code.

Russ Magee %-)

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