> Reading over the discussion, I'm in the same camp as Luke. I can see
> the use case, but I see a bunch of sharp edges that will end up biting
> the user in unexpected ways.

Thanks for dropping by :-) I think I've managed to remove the sharp edges.

The main problem in this thread is that the default filters were
written in the html context and their interaction with autoescaping
breaks down when a different escaping context is required.

I believe the solution would be to simply declare the html filters as
"unsafe" and I've uploaded a patch [1] to the ticket that would do
that. I've included a detailed description of the approach on the
ticket [2]. All filters appear to be correctly handled in the new
approach described there.

If you think this approach is sensible, I'll edit the group 2 filters
to use the custom escape function (they mostly take the autoescape
argument anyway). There are a small number of tests on the ticket, but
if this is something that might be in core, then I'll write some more
comprehensive tests and documentation.



[2] <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14057#comment:7>

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