Carl and I had a long discussion in IRC about all the issues he raises
above.  I am still digesting that conversation, but there are some
things that already spring to mind.

1. I can see the merits of defining a SITE_BACKEND api that would
allow users to choose from different site-retrieval implementations
that sites framework would contain.  I wonder, would it make sense to
make SITE_BACKEND the central aspect of the framework?  SITE_BACKEND
could be the required setting (instead of SITE_ID), and a
"get_orm_site_by_id" backend, a "get_orm_site_by_request" backend, and
a "get_request_site" backend could all be defined.

That way, the documentation could say: "Always define a SITE_BACKEND,
here are the different implementations to choose from."  It would
provide a good opportunity to discuss the different architectures in
parallel, and would require users to explicitly choose from among
mutually-explicit specific strategies, with only one setting.  As it
stands now with both of our proposals, documenting how all this works
requires describing a very intricate and confusing conditional tree.
Making the SITE_BACKEND control everything would simplify
documentation significantly.

2. One difference between our proposals is that I propose that the
framework's API define a *single*, unitary facade
function--"get_current_site()", which takes a an optional
"require_site_object" as a parameter--while Carl proposes that the
framework define two facade functions--"get_current_site()", and the
"Site.objects.get_current()" manager method.

I see these two approaches as logically equivalent.  Both proposals
recognize the need to differentiate between the case where any generic
site object may be returned (RequestSite,
django.contrib.sites.models.Site, or some user-defined object), and
the case where only django.contrib.sites.models.Site may be returned.
Carl's proposal is more consistent with the Django practice of putting
orm-object-retrieval logic inside managers, and avoids having to
deprecate Site.objects.get_current().  My proposal more closely
follows the facade design pattern, and I believe simplifies the
documentation and thus simplifies things for users.  I would favor my
proposal, obviously, but I can understand the merits of Carl's.  Also,
Carl's proposal has the benefit of being what is already checked in.

3. In spite of the fact that having two facade functions does abrogate
the need to define a "require_site_object" parameter in
get_current_site, I think an argument can be made to include the
"require_site_object" parameter in the API for SITE_BACKEND.  Carl
proposes verifying the object returned by SITE_BACKEND before
returning from the manager method, to make sure it is in fact a Site
object.  If a user-defined SITE_BACKEND is coded to retrieve a custom
object from the db, then an unnecessary database call can be prevented
if "require_site_object" is passed in and used to return None at the
top of the function.

4. I think it is important to keep in mind what the original
motivation was behind #15089 and the post that started this thread: to
remedy architectural inadequacies that forced the Satchmo devs, in
their implementation of django-threaded-multihost, to monkey-patch
SiteManager.  Although using thread-locals to store the current
request is something that Django frowns upon, it is the only way to
achieve certain multitenancy behaviors, and seems to be required by a
decent number of users (between them, django-threaded-multihost and
django-multihost have 37 followers and 4 forks, and I am sure there
are a number of other implementations out there).

If SITE_BACKEND is called only when a request is supplied as an
optional argument to Site.objects.get_current(), then the thread
locals strategy employed by django-threaded-multihost et al. will
still require monkey-patching SiteManager.  If SITE_BACKEND is being
called inside Site.objects.get_current(), it *should* be called
*regardless* of whether a request is passed into it.  If a particular
SITE_BACKEND requires that a request be passed in for it to do
properly retrieve a site, then that backend should raise an exception;
it should not be that such a SITE_BACKEND is simply ignored.  This is
distinct from Carl's proposal, but I think not a significant deviation
from it.



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