On Mar 11, 2011, at 1:33 PM, artemy tregubenko wrote:

> I'm quoting first message in thread:
> "I want to emphasize once more that when username/password combination is 
> wrong, message should be about wrong credentials. But  when username/password 
> combination is correct, message should be about permissions."
> Bruteforcing isn't related to desired behavior in any way.

Almost by definition, in a brute force attack you don't know any valid 
credentials. The purpose of the attack is to discover valid ones.

If I'm a smart attacker, I will pay attention to the error message I get back 
from my failed login attempts. If I'm attacking an admin login page and I get 
told "You don't have permissions to log into the admin page" or "Use a valid 
admin account" then I know that I very likely have discovered a valid username 
and password for logging into the non-admin part of the site, which is a breach 
of security. I will now go login as this user and begin seeing what sorts of 
holes are available to me from there. 

How is this fundamentally any different from a message that says "Wrong 
password for that username?" Are you advocating that it's better design to tell 
brute force attackers whenever they hit upon a valid username, because its 
clearer to valid users what the error is?

As for the error confusing valid users, I fail to see the issue. Users should 
know already whether they are admins on a site or not, that shouldn't be 
something they need to discover for themselves.


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