Hello everyone. My name is Stefan, and I'm a 19 years old student in
Iasi, Romania, at Faculty of
Computer Science. I've started programming as a young kid (I was about 8
or 9) and
have been programming since then. I've started with the silly mIRC
scripting and Visual
Basic and then moved on to various real programming languages (e.g. C,
C++, Python,
Javascript, PHP, C# etc.) and various projects (mostly as a freelancer
and on personal projects).
This is my second time to participate on GSoC (I also participated last
year for Boost) and I
would really like to have the chance to work on a major project again.
I would like to work on removing databrowse from django and implement
its features on admin.
Although I have worked plenty with Python and other MVC frameworks
(mostly PHP ones), I
haven't started learning django until recently. I've read some of
databrowse's source code and toyed
with it a little and I realize it's pretty limited in functionality and,
as has been said, has multiple unfixed
bugs and lacks maintenance. It is too limited to be used for any
production purposes,
and admin does a pretty good job for both production and dev phases.
A few important features of databrowse include read-only access to
tables and rows, filtering by possible values
of a field (such as filtering by calendar date for datetime fields or
filtering by any of the values that match for
at least one row) and automatically displaying one-to-many,many-to-one
and many-to-many relationships
between models. Looking through the source-code, I realize that not even
the obvious problems have been fixed:
For instance, when creating hyperlinks to objects,
datastructures.EasyInstanceField.urls attempts to call
_get_pk_call() on values returned by
datastructures.EasyInstanceField.values(), which might return
strings or even NoneType (this occurs, for instance, when you have a
null foreign key, which is normal
if you would like to, for example, store a rooted tree). The patch is
trivial, and I've attached it here.
That said, I would like to merge its functionality into admin. Users
will have separate permissions
for viewing (which will be granted implicitly with change/delete, it
doesn't make much sense to be able to
change/delete without viewing in a web app). There will be multiple ways
of viewing the data, one that
lists all the tables and their relationships, allowing to view all rows
in a table (with the now-lacking pagination)
and the rows related to it (via foreign keys), with the possibility of
filtering by each of the fields. Another way
of viewing the rows are in a tree-view, in which all rows that are
subordinated (via a foreign key) to other
rows will appear underneath and indented to the right of the parent row.
The rows can be either displayed
by their representation (__unicode__) or by some kind of table showing
all of their fields. Pagination will
be added here too. Rows whose all foreign keys are null will appear as
roots, and so will the rows who
don't have foreign keys (i.e. belong to a table w/ no foreign keys). All
others should appear as children
of at least one row (can appear as children to multiple rows in case the
relationships are many-to-many).
This data viewing interfaces will have means of adding, changing or
deleting rows, which will forward
to the admin interface. If, for instance, one clicks something like "add
child" on a row whose primary
key field is the foreign key of another table, then a row of that table
will be created, whose foreign
key will be set to this row's primary key.
I apologize for being so late with the proposal, I really wish I could
have written it earlier.
I'm planning on writing a timeline for the final version of the
proposal, but please let me know what
your opinion is first.
Yours faithfully,
Stefan M.
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--- D:/tmp/django-trunk/django/contrib/databrowse/datastructures.py Thu Apr
07 23:11:16 2011
+++ D:/python27/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/databrowse/datastructures.py
Thu Apr 07 23:15:37 2011
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, smart_str, iri_to_uri
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
+from exceptions import AttributeError
EMPTY_VALUE = '(None)'
@@ -184,7 +185,10 @@
if self.field.rel.to in self.model.model_list:
lst = []
for value in self.values():
- url = mark_safe('%s%s/%s/objects/%s/' %
(self.model.site.root_url, m.model._meta.app_label, m.model._meta.module_name,
+ try:
+ url = mark_safe('%s%s/%s/objects/%s/' %
(self.model.site.root_url, m.model._meta.app_label, m.model._meta.module_name,
+ except AttributeError:
+ url = None
lst.append((smart_unicode(value), url))
lst = [(value, None) for value in self.values()]