On Apr 15, 7:34 am, Ivan Sagalaev <man...@softwaremaniacs.org> wrote:
>      import logging
>      import settings
>      from django.core.management import setup_environ
>      setup_environ(settings)
>      from django.test.client import RequestFactory
>      factory = RequestFactory()
>      factory.get('/')
>      logger = logging.getLogger('django.request')
>      logger.error('Error')
> The message doesn't show up in the console. Here's what's happening here:
> 1. setup_environ creates a lazy setting object
> 2. importing RequestFactory triggers import of django.core.handlers.wsgi
> that creates a logger 'django.request'
> 3. after some time settings object is accessed for the first time and
> gets initialized

I have been using setup_environ in my projects, and the lazy
initialization in can cause some weird problems, for example if you do
manual timing using:
start = datetime.now()
access settings
print 'Used %s' % (datetime.now() - start)

You might get weird results as accessing settings can change your
timezone. Would it be wise that setup_environ() would access the
settings so that they are no more lazy? Or does this cause other

 - Anssi

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