I have to agree with this guy:


There should be a model to hold country name and language:

{% quote %}
The idea is to have something like:

country = models.CountryField()
language = models.LanguageField() 

Instead of:

lang = models.CharField ( max_length=5, choices=settings.LANGUAGES)


    ('fr', _('France')),
    ('de', _('Germany')),

country = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=COUNTRIES) 

which requires redoing the translation work and which is tedious to manually 

{% endquote %}

However this is 4 years old and still not resolved.
How about making such dict:

  'ISO-2 letter code': {
    'fullname': _('Country full name'),
    'iso-3 letter code': 'ISO',
    'languages': [
        ('is_O1', _('lang native name')),
        ('is_O2', _('lang native name2')),
  ... and so on ...

This is only a suggestion how it may look like.
However this topic seems to be a pretty important for I think lots of 

At least provide a COUNTRIES list like LANGUAGES list.

Matt Harasymczuk

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