On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Johannes Dollinger
<emulb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> FWIW, here are some concrete use-cases for math in templates:
> * __mul__: Display a value of 0.42 as 42%.
> * __neg__/__abs__: Display the absolute value and signum of a number 
> separately.
> * log: Display a number on a logarithmic scale.
> * floor/ceil: Display floored or ceiled values.

What does the core team think about a math library with useful (like
in the examples above) filters? i.e, {% load math %} ... {{ x|abs }}
{{ y|log:"10" }}
Most cases I can think of are unary, so they lend nicely to the filter syntax..

In addition to the above, I can think of the following from the python
math module:
 * isinf (and maybe isnan)? to pretty print infinities
 * trunc. actually this/ceil/floor are somewhat covered by the float
formatting functions, but sometimes not enough.

I've found use at some project to binary&hexadecimal conversions/bit
querying functions (to nicely display bitflags), but that might be
overkill for a general purpose library in the core.

> I'd still be -1 regarding a {%math%} tag. The cleanest solution would be 
> proper support for common operators mixed with a set of default filters for 
> primitive functions (e.g log, floor, ceil, abs).


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