On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:28 AM, legutierr <leguti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are plenty of other workarounds -- the easiest is to note the
>> email field is optional and just create a RealUserEmail object with a
>> OneToOne to User. Given that, a hacky workaround in Django itself just
>> isn't going to happen. The right thing to do is to get the auth
>> refactor done and solve this and all the other issues at the same
>> time.
> Might one of those "other issues" be schema migration?  As the contrib
> apps mature, it seems that these types of problems will recur with
> greater frequency up until the point that South-like migrations become
> something that contrib apps can use.  I would hate to think that every
> minor bug or feature enhancement such as this that affects database
> tables can only be fixed by a comprehensive rewrite of the
> subsystem :)
> I guess my substantive questions are these: Will the timeline of Jan
> Rzepecki's GSoC project permit the inclusion of "schema alteration"
> into Django 1.4? and: Is the "schema alteration" API that is
> envisioned by that project going to be full-featured enough to allow
> for migrations to be added to contrib apps that interact with the
> database?

What you describe is certainly the end goal, although whether it
happens directly as part of the GSoC work, or as some follow up work
afterwards depends on Jan's progress on the project. The priority for
the GSoC is to get the 'engine room' in place -- the database backend
module that provides the raw cross-database migration commands. The
public interface for migration management is a lower priority, but
it's certainly on the todo list -- if not for the GSoC, then for soon

Russ Magee %-)

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