Just had a quick conversation with Gregor and Chris Beaven on IRC;
based on a comment of Chris', we discussed the possibility of ditching
the {% formlayout %} tag in favor of specifying the layout as an
argument to the {% form %} block tag. E.g. instead of

>     {% form %}
>         {% formlayout "table" %}
>         {% renderform my_form %} {# will use table layout #}
>     {% endform %}

You'd say:

{% form "table" %}
    {% renderform my_form %}
{% endform %}

> The description of the form tag implies that the modifier tags are able to
> set/modify the global state in the current template. That is something that is
> explicitly wanted. This way you can set a "formlayout" in the head of your
> base template and any other extending template will have this default for the
> form rendering.

And perhaps if the layout can be specified that way, with minimal
boilerplate, we don't need the global-context-modifying version of
formlayout either.

Not sure if Gregor was entirely convinced, but I think I'd probably
lean towards doing it this way.


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