On May 29, 5:22 am, Julien Phalip <jpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm bringing this up to the dev-list as I'm keen to hear if someone is
> interested in this problem and has suggestions towards a robust
> solution. It is a pretty serious issue that I hope can be resolved by
> the 1.4 release.

For reference, I raised a related issue quite some time ago in
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7472, which was closed as

I'm glad this is now being looked at again and I like the idea of
being able to mark individual views/requests as handling sensitive
information.  This means one could write a simple middleware that sets
the is_sensitive flag if the request was made over HTTPS to achieve
what I was wanting to do originally.

In terms of the latest patch:

  1. I think the "sensitive" decorator should perhaps not be defined
within django.views.debug, but somewhere within
django.views.decorators to be more consistent with the other built-in

  2. I have a minor concern that having the "sensitive" decorator
being included in a module called "debug" may lead to developers
mistakenly thinking that it is relevant for development debugging
rather for protecting production environments.

  3. Someone may wish to write their own AdminEmailHandler that
produces an encrypted email containing all the sensitive details.  At
present, it looks like the patch won't actually allow you to get a non-
redacted version of the traceback if you really wanted to.

As a side thought, if this functionality does get implemented, would
it be feasible/desirable to have Django emit a warning to encourage
the developer to mark a view as sensitive if it detected a
forms.PasswordField (or any other FormField known to handle sensitive
data) being used by it?  I'm not actually sure it's possible as a Form/
FormField doesn't directly know about the request, but I thought I'd
throw the idea out there anyway.



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