Hi Marwan,

On 06/05/2011 10:15 AM, Marwan Al-Sabbagh wrote:
> Hello,
>   Currently one can create a custom command by implementing a Command
> object in a python module such as
> "polls/management/commands/closepoll.py". It would be great if Django
> also supported these commands being implemented in a python package so
> in this case Command would be found in
> "polls/management/commands/closepoll/__init__.py". This would be
> useful when a command contains a lot of logic or code and the
> developer would like the ability to split up the logic into multiple
> files to make the code base more manageable. I faced this issue
> recently when I implemented a command that would be run as a cron job
> to periodically import data into Django from a legacy system that had
> some pretty hairy logic to deal with.
>    I've already made the changes to support the feature, it only
> required a change to the function
> django.core.management.find_commands() to look for packages as well as
> modules in each commands directory. I thought I'd run it by
> django-developers before creating the ticket on trac with the patch.
> What do you guys think?

I'm not a big fan of the way Django finds management commands. Searching
directly on the filesystem makes Django apps with management commands
incompatible with legitimate builtin Python features such as import
hooks or zipfile imports. IMHO, regardless of what you think of those
Python features, this makes Django somewhat less than "just Python."

That said, I don't have a great alternative in mind at the moment, but I
don't like the idea of taking the current bad system and extending it
with even more complexity.

Generally my approach to the problem you describe is to make the
management command itself a minimal wrapper around the core code,
implemented as functions and classes within appropriately-named
submodules of the app itself, not within the
myapp.management.commands.mycommand namespace. I almost always at some
point want to reuse that code as library code, so I actually find it
preferable if the bulk of the code lives outside the management.commands
namespace, and is just imported and used by the management command. This
can also encourage a separation of responsibilities that makes testing


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