On Jun 17, 3:41 pm, David Cramer <dcra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not suggesting changing the behavior (again due to the
> compatibility concerns), but I completely agree with the original
> poster(s).
> Also, in my experience it's a much less common case that you're
> wanting an "I agree" checkbox in your form, versus a "Boolean" field
> which can be positive or negative.

You can do that easily right now without changing Django by adding
`required=False` the BooleanField on your form. This is less
repetitive than writing the same validation method over and over

def validate_somebooleanfield(self):
    value = self.cleaned_data.get('somebooleanfield')
    if not value:
        raise forms.ValidationError('This field is required.')
    return value

If this behaviour were to change, `required` would become a completely
meaningless argument to BooleanField because no value in the GET or
POST data is normalised to `False` because of the way checkbox values
are submitted in HTML forms.

The nature of boolean fields means that it's impossible to NOT provide
a value. NullBooleanField is used in those cases.


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