On Jul 2, 12:59 am, Ric <riccardodivirgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> i have got a simple approach to make all django fields with a full
> i18n support
> the django.models.fields.Field class can be subclassed like this
> from django.db import models
> from django.utils.translation import get_language
> class i18nField(models.Field):
>     def __init__(self, i18n = False, *args, **kwargs)
>         self.i18n = i18n
>         models.Field.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>     def db_column_get(self):
>         if not self.i18n:
>             return self._db_column or self.name
>         return "%s_%s" % (
>             self._db_column or self.name,
>             get_language().lower()
>             )
>     def db_column_set(self, value):
>         self._db_column = value
>     def _column_set(self, value):
>         pass
>     db_column = property(db_column_get, db_column_set)
>     column = property(db_column_get, _column_set)
> then you can declare all other subfields as usual
> this work in that way: you need a separate db column for every
> language installed.
> a field called "name" needs to create ("name_%s" % code for code in
> languages) columns
> so the framework automatically select the right column in every query.
> problems:
>  - serializing objects, you need to serialize all all fields, not just
> current language
>  - many to many fields, to work they need to create an extra column in
> every througth table, a column to store the language code.
>  - during sync db you need to create a column for every language
> installed
> after two years on an i18n django site, i found this simple solution.
> there are some small problems, that can be fixed if we put a i18n
> option when you init a field, and solve some issue during syncdb
> command and serialization of objects.
>  for me is a very simple approch,
> it automatically filter, sort and output the right queryset for your
> language, and when you access a field you get the current language, it
> works for every field, ForeignKeys too.
>  and it works in admin (with no changes at all)
> let me know what you think.

>From my point of view there are a couple of problems with this
  - The idea of putting a column for all translated languages for
every field directly to the base table is not feasible for many use
cases. If you have 10 translated fields in your model, and you have 10
languages, that is already 100 fields. If you happen to need an index
on one field, you need 10 indexes. For example in EU you might need to
have the possibility to have the model translated in all official EU
languages. That is over 20 languages you need to support right there.
For the EU use case it is better to have a translations table
containing the translations of one language in one row.
  - This approach makes it hard to fetch all the translations of the
model. How does this work for NOT NULL fields?
  - There are ways to have proper fields for every translation in the
DB table. It is better that there is 'name' field which fetches the
default language according to the currently active language, and then
there are the translated fields ('name_fi', 'name_en', ...) if you
need those. See django-transmeta for one such solution (http://

For some use cases your solution definitely can be handy. But my
feeling is that this does not belong to core (not that I have any
power in deciding that). The biggest reason for this is that the more
I have worked in different multilingual projects, the more certain I
am that there is no single solution to model translations. At least no
single solution how to handle the database layout part of it.

 - Anssi

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