On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:13 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:

> Maintaining the property of deferrable constraints seems important
> here, so changing the deferrability of constraints, or overriding it
> using the SET CONSTRAINTS command at the top of the transaction might
> not be what we want.

Well, that's just it. We want tests to behave as much like production code as 
possible, so we actually *don't* want constraint checks to be deferred.

When you're working with DB normally in production, i.e. outside of a 
transaction, constraints are checked immediately. It's only when you get into a 
transaction that they are deferred. Each of our tests run inside of a 
transaction, which is an artificial construct. So to emulate production, I'm 
arguing that this property is not something we want (*unless* we are testing a 
transaction or transaction like behavior, in which case it does make sense to 
temporarily suspend constraint checks).

> What I would recommend is that we issue an explicit SET CONSTRAINTS
> ALL IMMEDIATE command immediately before the ROLLBACK at *end* of
> test. This will fire any outstanding checks. That way all constraint
> checks will occur in the same place they would during a commit, yet we
> can maintain the situation that the test ends with a rollback.

This would conceivably work I think. I'm pretty sure Ramiro was exploring this 
approach actually. My feeling, however, is that this still allows you to get 
away with stuff you might not otherwise get away with in production. I also 
think it's more helpful seeing exactly where an integrity issue came up so you 
can address it. This is, for example, what allowed me to understand the handful 
of bugs that were hiding, i.e. because I could trace the Intergrity Error to 
the exact line of code that was triggering it.

Your questions raise one issue that had not occurred to me though. One possible 
"problem" with putting constraint checks at the beginning is that there is now 
way for a test to recover from them. If you try to put bad data into the DB 
with immediate constraint checks on, you will raise and error *and* if I'm not 
mistaken the transaction will be rolled back at that very instant. So if for 
some reason you knew you were putting bad data in and wanted to recover from it 
in your test and keep going, that would not be possible. I'm not sure that's 
actually a problem, but it's certainly something to consider. It's another 
dimension of behavior that is changed.

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