About a year ago Luke Plant wontfixed ticket #14597, which requested
that Django add support setting for request.is_secure based on
proxy-added headers (like X-Forwarded-Protocol) when Django is served
by an HTTPS proxy [1].

Luke's reasons for closing were analogous to the
SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor header [2], which Django removed because
it was unreliable, really easy to get wrong, and a security issue when
configured incorrectly.

More recently, we changed the way we support the X-Forwarded-Host
header for security reasons [3]. Support defaults to disabled, and
users who need it can turn it back on.

I bring these two examples up, because they are conflicting examples
of how we might handle the SSL header issue. One complicating factor
for the ssl header is that there are many (4 or so) ways of specifying
the same meaning (that the proxy received the request on a secure

CarlJM's django-secure package [4] solves this problem by requiring
the user to specify which header they want, if they need support for

Luke's concerns about the security of this setting are extremely well
founded. Enabling it when it is not needed is a very serious security
problem, and negates many of the benefits of using SSL. In contrast,
since Django doesn't support this configuration out of the box, we
have users who are losing other benefits that SSL could provide when
Django assumes all requests are insecure. The most striking example of
this is our CSRF protection, where we enforce much more rigorous
requirements on secured connections.

In light of our handling of X-Forwarded-Host (which has known security
issues), I propose that we reconsider support for X-Forwarded-Protocol
(and relatives). The setting should require the user to find out which
header their server is using, and configure it appropriately. This is
enough of a barrier to entry that users won't simply set it to "on"
without thinking. Additionally, if the conversation about including a
django-secure style configuration check command comes to fruition, it
gives us a chance to warn users again about the dangers of needlessly
enabling the setting.


[1] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14597
[3] https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2011/sep/09/security-releases-issued/
[4] https://github.com/carljm/django-secure

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