Hi all,

The Django deprecation timeline [1] is very inconsistent in its usage of
the terminology 'deprecated'. For example, the 1.5 section often says
"is  deprecated" or "has been deprecated", when what they mean is "will
be removed", which is what the other sections generally tend to say.
Some in section 1.6 say a feature "will be deprecated".

Can we have a consistent policy on this terminology?


  "deprecate: to express disapproval of"

So something is 'deprecated' as soon as we say we are going to remove it
- we are expressing disapproval, but allowing it to continue
temporarily. The confusing thing from Python terminology is that we then
add PendingDeprecationWarning, followed by DeprecationWarning, which
suggest that deprecation is something that will happen in the *future*,
the thing that happens when we finally remove it. But that isn't normal
English usage, and we can't sensibly use 'deprecated' for both the
beginning and the end of the process.

So I'd suggest that we stick to:

 - deprecated = the first time we say we are going to remove it,
   and normally means we add PendingDeprecationWarning

 - removed - when we actually remove.

In the deprecation timeline, we can simply say "X will be removed", or
"X will be removed in favour of Y". If it is outside the normal
deprecation policy in some way, we can mention that, otherwise no need
to say which version it was deprecated in. In our release notes, we
carry on announcing deprecation as we are doing now. The only problem is
that our 'deprecation timeline' effectively becomes a 'removal
timeline', but I think it will be clear enough if the rest of our
terminology is.



[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/deprecation/
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in
possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." (Jane

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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