
I'm not a Django developer, nor will I pretend to be.  But I did come across 
something I thought you should be aware of.

The django online documentation mentions that the SQL equivalent for  
__icontains is something like:

    SELECT ... WHERE headline ILIKE '%Lennon%';
However, for postgresql - one of the dbs that actually supports ILIKE - I 
noticed __icontains was actually performing something similar to:
    SELECT ... WHERE LOWER(headline) LIKE LOWER('%Lennon%');

The ILIKE is obviously much faster, so, I dug around a little and changed a 
line or two in these files:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql/ __icontains actually uses ILIKE instead, and it's running great.


1) Any reason I shouldn't have done that, performance wise?
2) Should this be changed in the codebase going forward?

thanks, and I hope this helps,

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