> .. (A) silent rounding issue:
>    when a decimal value is saved in db
>    its decimal digits exceeding decimal_places are rounded off using
>    .quantize(). Rounding defaults to ROUND_HALF_EVEN (python default).
>    There is no mention of this behavior in docs.
Docs patches welcomed. This rounding behavior is generally superior to
ROUND_UP (what most of us are taught in gradeschool) for a number of
reasons that are inappropriate to get into here. If we're going to
round, that's the behavior we should use as default.

> .. (B) no model validation for decimal digits:
>    .full_clean() does not raise any exception:
>       - if the value has too many decimal digits
>       - or if value has too many digits
>    other fields, like CharField, do not validate values that exceed fields
> constraints
There's no clearly defined way to deal with overlong CharFields.
Rounding overlong floating point numbers is common and not unexpected.
Decimals work similarly to floats, and so it's not unreasonable to
have similar behavior.

Reading the docs on Python's decimal module, it makes sense to think
of the decimal_places as an analog to python's decimal notion of

> .. (C) errors on save:
>   decimal values exceeding field's digits boundaries (decimal or total) make
> .save() raise decimal.InvalidOperation exceptions
This does sound like an error in validation. If it's possible to pass
a value through form validation to the point where it has errors on
save, that is a bug.

> In my opinion they should be fixed in a backwards-incompatible way!:
Thank you for your opinion, we don't do backwards-incompatible fixes.
There's usually a compatible way to fix behavior.

>  (A) django shuld not round decimal values silently before saving, if the
> value has too many decimal digits,
>      raise an exception (just like for values that have too many digits)
In the general use case, the existing behavior is more user friendly.
Many people would run out and re-add the rounding behavior if we
changed it. Users will enter over-long strings into decimal fields.
It's really unfriendly to paste an 32 place decimal number in and be
told it can only be 17 decimal digits long (and then have to go count
out till you get the correct number). Since there's not a good way to
make this the default value and retain backwards compatibility, this
is unlikely to change. This behavior should be documented.

That said, a no_rounding kwarg sounds like a perfectly reasonable feature.

>  (B) decimalfield shoud not validate values that exceed its max_digits and
> decimal_places constraints
I agree that decimalfield should not validate values that exceed
max_digits. If it does, that is a bug we should fix. We need to be
careful not to create situations where very large numbers validate but
very small but precise decimal numbers get rounded unexpectedly.
Unfortunately, these two parameters overlap in difficult ways. I
disagree about decimal_places, since the expected behavior is rounding
in most other real-world circumstances.

Does the combination of documenting the existing rounding behavior,
fixing the error on save() with max_digits, and adding the no_rounding
feature address your concerns?


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