On 24/02/2012, at 7:01 PM, Stephan Jaensch <s...@sjaensch.org> wrote:

>>> 1) It's an easy fix.
>>> 2) It's backwards compatible.
>>> 3) It has no impact on performance.
>>> 4) LOTS of people want it.
>>> and most importantly
>>> 5) We could stop asking for it.
>>> This issue is such an easy "sure, why not!?"
>>> Please, O benevolent dictators, listen to the populous, and heed their
>>> cry.
>> I can certainly appreciate the reasons why those asking for this change 
>> would like to see the change made, but please don't attempt to characterize 
>> this thread as clear and overwhelming support for change.
>> This thread contains 6 people expressing support for this change, and 2 
>> against (a BDFL, a core developer) -- and you can add me to the -0 list. 
>> There are over 6000 subscribers to django-developers. I put it to you that 
>> the vast majority of people haven't expressed an opinion -- and many of 
>> those haven't expressed an opinion because they're happy with (or 
>> indifferent to) the status quo, and a BDFL has already indicated that the 
>> status quo is his preferred option.
> You asked for it, so here is my +1.
>> This is also the first time the issue has been raised on django-dev for some 
>> time -- I can't even remember the last time the subject was raised. If this 
>> is such a demand of the populous, why isn't it a regular topic of discussion 
>> on django-dev? 
> Because the Django community is extremely nice and well-behaved...? :) I too 
> was unhappy with the decision, but didn't feel it was important enough to 
> post in this thread. That doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate multiline tags.
>> Finally, your arguments in favor of making this change are almost entirely 
>> technical -- easy fix, backwards compatible, no performance hit. However, 
>> you've missed the non-technical aspects -- that introducing multiline tags 
>> would fundamentally change the flavor of Django templates. Part of the job 
>> of the BDFLs is to make aesthetic choices. As indicated by Adrian in his 
>> response, this is largely an aesthetic decision on his part. Aesthetic 
>> choices aren't always popular, and almost by definition won't make everyone 
>> happy, but they are an essential part of what gives Django it's distinctive 
>> flavor. 
> Well, and you are really making the non-technical argument for the 
> supporters, aren't you? If multiline tags would fundamentally change the 
> flavor of Django templates, it would mean that suddenly people everywhere 
> would start using them, massively. This would mean there is overwhelming 
> demand for them. But if people do only use them in the cases where it's 
> appropriate (e.g. the dreaded trans tag, multi-line comments and so forth) 
> then it doesn't change much of anything and just makes templates more 
> readable.
> I understand this is an aesthetic decision. I just wish to point out that you 
> can't make the argument that nobody wants it and that it would also have a 
> big impact.
> Cheers,
> Stephan

In the interest of making the wider community opinion heard, I too am +1 on 
this, my feeling is exactly the same as Stephen.

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