On 03/01/2012 09:46 PM, Tai Lee wrote:
> This is easy to achieve in your own code. Create your own BaseModel
> class that all your models subclass. Instead of using
> `.filter().update()`, do this:
> def update(self, **kwargs):
>       """
>       Updates the fields specified in `kwargs` and then call `save()`.
>       """
>       if kwargs:
>               for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
>                       setattr(self, k, v)
>               self.save(force_update=True)
> This will still fire the `save` signals, and your model instance will
> have the new values as well as having them saved to the database.
> I think it is also easier than assigning values to each field and then
> calling `.save(only_fields[field1, field2])`, which I don't think is
> any better than filter().update(). If `save(only_fields=...)` were to
> only write specified fields to the database, this might cause
> unexpected side effects with `save` signals?

The "only_fields" kwarg suggestion comes from ticket 4102, and it is
primarily intended as a performance optimization for large models by
only sending the values of certain fields to the database at all,
something that your proposed code does not do.


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