>> One idea to mitigating this in Django core that I've considered would be
>> introducing a '@csrf_defered' decorator

> Practically speaking, I think this might be ok and would cover the
> majority of real cases. But at the very least it means that this
> decorator should live in contrib.sessions, not in the core CSRF code.

I would be opposed to this code in any shipped part of Django. It
certainly could be built as a third party module (if we don't have the
hooks necessary to do this, we can discuss them). My main objection is
that CSRF is not a topic which should be deferred, or maybe on, or
anything except absolutely positively explicitly on or off.
Introducing a deferred format encourages developers to ignore it,
until it causes problems, at which point they will do exactly the same
thing as they do now, and turn it off. It's easy enough to screw up
already - adding a "maybe on" is going to bite developers even more
than the current format, since it will be even easier to write code
that works most of the time, for most users, but not all of the time,
for all users.

I fall into the camp of "you should understand what you're doing when
you turn CSRF protection off". If the framework authors want to
support session based authentication, I believe they're capable of
doing it correctly. Until then, if users want to hack session based
auth onto the frameworks, they should be careful and understand what
they're doing.

For readers who have not inspected it yet, Django's CSRF
implementation is quite instructive:


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