Hello everyone,

I recently posted a question on stackoverflow.com 

*I have a Django project that has multiple django "apps". One of them has 
> models to represent data coming from an external source (I do not control 
> this data).
> **I want my other apps to be able to have references to this "external 
> app" but I want to avoid all the fuzz of the database integrity checks. I 
> don't want the db to have any constraints on these "soft foreign keys".
> **Do you know how I can code a custom field that will emulate a real 
> Django ForeignKey without creating a hard constraint on the database?
> **Maybe this already exists, but I didn't have any luck on Google.
> **Thanks in advance for the help :-)
> **NB: I'm aware of the generic 
> relations<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/contenttypes/#generic-relations>
>  system 
> with the content_types. But I don't want generic relations. I want specific 
> relations to identified models only without hard integrity constraints.
> **EDIT:
> **I found related links:*
>    - *Django ForeignKey which does not require referential 
> integrity?*<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3558907/django-foreignkey-which-does-not-require-referential-integrity>
>    - *Understanding / mySQL aka tricking ForeignKey relationships in 
> Django*<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788558/understanding-mysql-aka-tricking-foreignkey-relationships-in-django>
> *But I didn't find a proper answer to my question. :(*

But I didn't get any luck. 

I've looked deep into django's code to find what needs to be done, but I 
think that simply subclassing ForeignKey will not be enough. Could you give 
me some directions on how to do this?

NB: I use South for managing my database schema, so I figure I'll need to 
do something about that too. But it may be out of the subject here :)

Thanks in advance for the help!


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