On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:15:03 AM UTC-4, Meshy wrote:
> Perhaps it's just me, but I've very rarely wanted a SlugField that wasn't 
> unique. Would this not be a sensible default? I realise that a lot of apps 
> will rely upon this default, but objectively speaking would this not be 
> better? Perhaps this change would be appropriate for django 2.0.
> At the moment, slug = models.SlugField()creates a non-unique field, and 
> if you want it to be unique, then you must add unique=True. I feel this 
> is wrong.
> It seems to me that unique should be default, and if you don't want a 
> unique slug, you should explicitly state that:
> slug = models.SlugField(unique=False)

I'd agree that slugs are often unique, but I think it's just as common that 
they are unique together with another field (think blogs -- 
/blog/2012/06/27/some-slug/ -- where the slug is unique_together with the 
date). For this case, you'd have to remember to specify unique=False *and* 

> I've added an issue on the tracker for this: 
> https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/18525
> I realise this may be a contentious issue...or that I may even get shot 
> down in flames on this one ;P Go easy on me! :)
> What do you all think?

It doesn't seem like a burden to have to say unique=True if you truly want 
a singularly unique slug. Making it explicit, aside from being good python 
zen, also helps to see the natural keys of your model at a glance.


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