+1 for logging. It took me way too long to figure out how to get everything
working properly using a different (builtin) class. I agree with #19395
that an example (or two) would be great.

Here's what I'm currently using which makes use of a rotating file handler
and a custom date formatter (If it offers any inspiration or
clarification): https://gist.github.com/4489135

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Tim Graham <timogra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniele,
> I think additional tutorials would be welcome. My suggestion, before you
> dive in and start writing, would be to create a ticket with an outline of
> the proposed tutorial.  That will give the community a chance to take a
> look and provide feedback and suggestions before you spend time doing the
> actual writing.
> For some ideas, here is the list of "coming soon" tutorials that were at
> the end of tutorial 4 for a long time:
>    - Advanced form processing
>    - Using the RSS framework
>    - Using the cache framework (see ticket below)
>    - Using the comments framework (not sure about this, since I think
>    comments may be removed from Django, see #18965)
>    - Advanced admin features: Permissions
>    - Advanced admin features: Custom JavaScript
> These may not be the best options at this point, but someone thought they
> were good ideas at one point.
> In addition, here are some tutorial tickets that have been "accepted":
> #16526 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16526> - Add a tutorial on
> caching
> #19106 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19106> - Add new tutorial
> on breaking templates into blocks
> I think your suggestion of logging is a good candidate -- you may want to
> take a look at #19395 <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19395> as
> well.
> Thank-you for your contributions thus far, and I look forward to seeing
> what you come up with in the future. :-)
> Tim
> On Friday, January 4, 2013 5:42:44 PM UTC-5, Daniele Procida wrote:
>> I am one of those people who can only learn things by doing them, and
>> finds it very hard to grasp things from reference materials. The Django
>> documentation is excellent on the latter, but not quite so good on the
>> tutorials that would guide me through doing things in a way that will help
>> me learn.
>> I've made a couple of tutorial contributions so far (which if I am honest
>> simply reflect the steps I took when I was learning the topic). They are
>> the testing tutorial <https://docs.djangoproject.**
>> com/en/1.5//intro/tutorial05/<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5//intro/tutorial05/>>
>> and a uWSGI/nginx tutorial, which though it may not be quite right for the
>> Django docs has gone into the uWSGI docs.
>> I'd like to contribute more tutorials to the documentation, and since the
>> next thing I need to get to grips with is logging I will write my own notes
>> so I remember how to do it, and I could create a tutorial for it.
>> Would that be useful for the documentation? I realise that a tutorial is
>> always going to be a partial and incomplete introduction to a subject, but
>> newcomers need to start with something concrete, and it gives them some
>> purchase on the reference material that is already provided.
>> Are there other topics that really ought to have tutorials written for
>> them?
>> Daniele
>>  --
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