On 19 févr. 2013, at 11:04, Anssi Kääriäinen <anssi.kaariai...@thl.fi> wrote:

> Maybe we need another setting for what to do in request.start. It does
> seem somewhat likely that users could do SET SEARCH_PATH in middleware
> to support multitenant setups for example, and expect that set to go
> away when connection is closed after the request. Any other SET is a
> likely candidate for problems in PostgreSQL, and I am sure other DBs
> have their equivalent of session state, too. (In this case doing RESET
> ALL; run connection setup again is the right thing to do in
> PostgreSQL).
> It would be nice to support this use case, but just documenting this
> change clearly in the release notes, and point out that if you have
> such requirements, then set max_age to 0. More features can always be
> added later on.

Yes, the short term solution in this case is to set max_age to 0.

I think the long term solution is to modify such middleware to revert its
effects in process_response() — or reset everything in process_request().

I agree with Carl that I should document this thoroughly.

> (…)

> I hope this discussion is about what to do at request finish/start
> time.

You're right, it's very important not to fiddle with connections during
request processing.

> I am very strongly opposed to anything where Django suddenly changes
> connections underneath you. At request finish/start this is OK (you
> should expect new connections then anyways), but otherwise if you get
> broken connection, it isn't Django's business to swap the connection
> underneath you. There is a reasonable expectation that while you are
> using single connections[alias] in a script for example, you can
> expect the underlying connection to be the same for the whole time.
> Otherwise SET somevar in postgresql could break for example.

Even worse, you could break transactional integrity! See this comment:

> I think a good approach would be to mark the connection potentially
> broken on errors in queries, and then in request_finished check for
> this potentially broken flag. If flag set, then and only then run
> ping() / select 1. So, this is a slight modification of no. 3 where
> one can mark the connection potentially broken liberally, but the
> connection is swapped only when the ping fails, and only in
> request_finished. For most requests there should be no overhead as
> errors in queries are rare.

This is an interesting idea. Django already catches database exceptions in
execute() to re-raise them. We could simply set the flag there.

> BTW the remark above in Aymeric's post that persistent connections
> can't make things worse: I don't believe this. Persistent connections
> will keep the broken connection from request to request, and at least
> on PostgreSQL a broken connection is correctly closed in request
> finish.

https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15802 says it isn't — although I haven't
confirmed that this bug still exists.


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