On 3 mars 2013, at 21:37, Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augus...@polytechnique.org> 

> Part 2 of the plan is more ambitious — it's about improving the transaction 
> APIs. Here's the general idea.
> I'd like to add an @atomic decorator that:
>       - Really guarantees atomicity, by raising an exception if you attempt 
> commit within an atomic block,
>       - Supports nesting within an existing transaction, with savepoints.

This is now implemented: https://github.com/django/django/pull/873

The test suite passes under SQLite and almost under PostgreSQL (two failures). 
Code reviews, docs reviews, and smoke tests would help a lot at this stage. 
Checkout my branch, run your apps, tell me what breaks!

In the mean time, I discovered that it's impossible to implement 
TransactionMiddleware reliably as a middleware, because there's no guarantee 
that process_response or process_exception will be called.

Currently, Django has a safety net: the request_finished signal triggers a 
rollback if the middleware failed.
In other words the HTTP layer is already, to some extent, coupled with the 
transaction management.

Besides, TransactionMiddleware doesn't guarantee much. For instance, using 
commit_on_success as a context manager in a view breaks it by committing the 
transaction prematurely.

So part 3 of the plan is to replace TransactionMiddleware by something based on 
transaction.atomic that actually works. For lack of a better idea, I'm 
considering deprecating the middleware and replacing it with a setting. This 
doesn't qualify as loose coupling; better ideas welcome!


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