Sorry, but -1 from me.

Given the core premise that the job of a web application framework is to 
find the common features that many websites need to implement and make them 
easy to achieve, commenting definitely fits into this category. 

I run two sites that use Django comments heavily. Django comments were easy 
to implement, and  work very well (though a layer of spam protection would 
be nice), and I have no desire to migrate years of historical comments to a 
3rd party system, or to write my own system (given the choice, I would 
write my own).

Yes, I could handle having comments moved out of core as long as they were 
maintained somewhere "official," but I don't quite see the necessity. 
Commenting is a feature that most sites need, so commenting seems like 
something that Django should provide. That's part of what "using a kick-ass 
framework" means to me. 

My .02,

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