On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 5:13 AM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:

> Hi Luke,
> On 04/08/2013 02:02 PM, Luke Plant wrote:
> > This is already the subject of a ticket, but I didn't get a response
> > yet. Basically, the idea is replace things like:
> >
> >   request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']
> >
> > with
> >
> >   request.HEADERS['Accept']
> >
> > request.META should be deprecated and replaced with request._META,
> > because it is just an implementation detail, and a really bizarre one at
> > that, full of cruft from a previous generation of web applications (CGI)
> > that should not be exposed in our API.
> I have no problem with providing a nicer API for getting at request
> headers that allows asking for un-mangled header names, but I don't
> think we should deprecate request.META (or turn it into a private
> implementation detail).
> Although the concept of a unified "request environ" that includes HTTP
> headers mashed together with various other environment and web server
> info may date back to CGI, it is not outdated; in fact it is a part of
> the WSGI specification too:
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#environ-variables
> I think the WSGI environ should always remain accessible through public
> API on a Django request object.
> > Anything else needed from META should also be replaced with a sensible
> API.
> I'm not sure how you envision this happening, since there is no fixed
> set of things that might be "needed from META" that we can provide
> purpose-specific API for. It is a legitimate use of WSGI for people to
> set arbitrary environ variables from their WSGI server and expect to be
> able to read those variables from Django, and they shouldn't have to use
> private API to do this.

I agree with Carl. I like the idea of the new HEADERS that is simpler to
access, but I think removing/renaming META isn't desirable.

HEADERS will be introducing a layer of smarts, and as helpful as those
smarts will be under 95% of circumstances, I'd be willing to bet that
*someone* has a use case for getting at the raw headers.

On top of that, there's plenty of code out there that is currently using
META without any problems -- the issue is with new users understanding
which META key to use, not with the key working correctly once it's been
discovered. We're not closing a security hole, or making new functionality
possible -- we're just making some code a little easier to read. Forcing
all that code to be updated to use HEADERS strikes me as code churn.

I'd much rather see META continue as a publicly available, but generally
discouraged API, rather than formally deprecating it.

> This might seem to be a big change simply for the sake of a clean API,
> > but I'm more and more motivated by these thoughts:
> >
> > * Web development is hard enough as it is. "Explain this to a newbie
> > without getting embarrassed" is a good test.
> Sure; if we introduce a new API for getting at HTTP headers sans
> name-mangling, I think it'd be fine to consider request.META "advanced
> API" and adjust the documentation accordingly to make it much less
> prominent.
> > There is also the advantage of a *much* cleaner repr(request),
> > especially in a development environment, because you don't have all the
> > other junk from os.environ.
> If we are trying to make repr(request) really be a full reproduction of
> all relevant request data (such that the request instance could be fully
> reconstructed from it) then I don't think this goal is achievable; it is
> not an option (IMO) to remove WSGI environ data from the request
> entirely, because this would make data that is part of the WSGI spec
> inaccessible to Django users.
> (I haven't checked whether the current repr(request) meets the
> full-reconstruction criteria; if it already doesn't then I don't really
> care what we show in it, we could trim it down further with or without
> your proposed change.)
> > The biggest problem is what to do with our test Client and
> > RequestFactory, which allow specifying headers as keyword arguments
> > using the CGI style of naming e.g.:
> >
> >   self.client.get('/path', HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest')
> >
> > Since keyword arguments can't have "-" in them, this is harder to
> > replace. We could either leave it as it is, or add a new 'headers'
> > keyword argument to these methods, deprecating **extra.
> Similar to above, I think we could add a new "headers" arg for
> friendlier specification of HTTP headers, but I don't think we should
> deprecate **extra. (This of course would mean we have to decide and
> document which takes precedence if they conflict.)
> The silliness has infected other places, like SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER
> > which follows the same CGI convention (and in each case the docs have to
> > note how to do it correctly!). In this case we can detect people using
> > the old style 'HTTP_' and raise a deprecation warning, and allow the
> > sensible way.
> There might be cases where people are using an environ var rather than
> an HTTP header to indicate proxied SSL, and currently
> SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER works fine this way (despite the HEADER in the
> name). That said, I can't immediately find any current prominent
> documents recommending this or situations where using a HTTP header
> instead wouldn't be workable. Unless someone comes up with such a
> situation, and given that both the name of the setting and its
> documentation only discuss its use with headers, I think I'd be ok
> deprecating its use with non-headers and moving to friendlier header names.
> > We would probably also need to add a few methods/attributes to
> > HttpRequest to proxy the few things you need from request.META that are
> > not headers, like REMOTE_ADDRESS and REMOTE_USER
> As I mentioned above, I don't think we can dictate the "few things you
> need from request.META" and make the rest inaccessible.
> > Is anyone strongly opposed to this? If not, in Aymeric's spirit of
> > decisiveness, I'll push it forward.
> I'm fine with new request.headers API; I'm opposed to deprecation of
> request.META.

Same here.

Russ %-)

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