This proposal is actually *very* similar to the 'URL 
dispatcher fall-though' 
 came up recently.

I don't think it'd take much adjustment to take Jacob's django-multiurl 
project <> and adapt it to deal 
with method-based dispatching rather than fall-through based dispatching.

You should be able to end up with an API that looks something like this:

    from methodurl import methodurl

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
            url('/objects/$', app.views.create_object, methods=['post', 
'put'], name='create_object'),
            url('/objects/$', app.views.list_objects, methods=['get'], 

Personally, I'm not particular convinced on the merits of method based 
routing, but that's not really the issue.
The important point is that this is something that you should be able to do 
without needing to modify anything in core Django.



On Saturday, 13 April 2013 22:48:44 UTC+1, Brantley Harris wrote:
> There's a line in the django URL Dispatcher documentation that is pretty 
> weird:
> The URLconf doesn’t look at the request method. In other words, all 
>> request methods – POST, GET, HEAD, etc. – will be routed to the same 
>> function for the same URL.
> Well, why?  Most modern web frameworks allow you to specify the method in 
> the routing configuration, Django seems to be an exception in this respect.
> It would be extremely easy to implement, and would lead to vastly better 
> code across new projects, including a simpler way of writing rest style 
> interfaces:
> url('^objects/$', 'views.create_object', methods=['post', 'put'], 
> name='create_object'),
> url('^objects/$', 'views.get_objects', name='list_objects'),
> This has come up many times before and been swatted down for various 
> reasons.  One is that it could be implemented with a one-off dispatcher, as 
> in:
> url('^objects/$', create_or_list(list=get_objects, create=create_object), 
> name='create_or_list_objects')
> But this is overly complex for what should be a simple configuration, 
> forces one to create the same name for the url, and worse, creates a level 
> of indirection breaking the abstraction up; or in other words you're trying 
> to do route configuration, why not do it in the place you're already doing 
> route configuration?
> The other argument is that you can do this with Class Based Views.  I 
> don't believe this is a good argument as one would have to utilize Class 
> Based Views to get this basic functionality.  In fact CBV's, only really 
> solve two common issues, one is the boilerplate inherit in forms, and the 
> other method routing.  But the proposed solution to method routing is 
> simpler and better.
> I will gladly implement the code required for this, but don't wish to do 
> so if it's going to be quashed, which is why I bring it up here.
> Thanks

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